  • eo NIS by XIMEO
  • eo NIS by XIMEO
  • eo NIS by XIMEO
  • eo NIS by XIMEO
  • eo NIS by XIMEO


Management of the nuclear medicine department

By meeting the specific requirements of a nuclear medicine department, eoNIS is the ideal product for efficient management. It takes care of, among other things, the planning of exams, invoicing, the preparation of reports, but also the connection to the eHealth eHealth services...

By meeting the specific requirements of a nuclear medicine department, eoNIS is the ideal product for efficient management. It takes care of, among other things, the planning of exams, invoicing, the preparation of reports, but also the connection to the eHealth eHealth services portal.

The electronic diary makes it possible to schedule all examinations based on their type, the availability of rooms and machines and personnel. It is a largely configurable schedule management tool with multiple limitations.

The entire application is designed to facilitate access to and use of the various functions and to allow a particularly fast handling.

eoNIS offers a personalized roadmap to follow the patient as closely as possible within the service. This sheet is available in electronic format and makes it possible to provide the various actors with the information necessary for good patient care.

The nuclear specialist has the ability to easily write his reports. Integrated speech recognition enables direct dictation. Once validated, they can be printed or sent electronically. Shipments to medical e-mail and eHealth are automated.

The billing module allows you to bill directly for radiology services performed and pharmaceutical products used during the examination. It also provides patient insurability verification through a consultation of the eHealth platform and is compatible with the third-party payment mechanism.

Patient follow-up
eoNIS enables patients to benefit from a quality follow-up thanks to an efficient and complete medical record. All results are available without time limit.

INAMI codes
The system respects all NIHDI restrictions. In the event of a conflict, the system warns the user of an inconsistency in the chosen codes. The nomenclature and codes are automatically updated when changes are made by the NIHDI.

eoNIS can communicate with other systems (patient file, ...) via HL7, XML exchanges, ...

eoNIS makes it possible to organize the day-to-day work of the service thanks to a timeline that integrates the time constraints necessary to properly conduct nuclear medicine studies.

  • Nuclear medicine management
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